Jane is the author of WaysWomenOrgasm.org and Nosper.com. WaysWomenOrgasm.org aims to inform and reassure women of all ages: both the site content and pictures are completely clean. Nosper.com is interested in promoting approaches to family life that allow us to raise children while remaining sane. The site welcomes suggestions for how adults of both sexes can continue doing their own thing and having fun together while, at the same time, being there for their kids.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Orgasm techniques women use to reach orgasm

I’m sure that men will understand the point. We express our sexuality through two basic phenomena:
Firstly, enjoying our own psychological arousal through an appreciation of eroticism; and
Secondly, bringing that sexual arousal to orgasm by physical stimulation of the penis/clitoris.
Yet many women are shocked by eroticism (whether visual or verbal pornography, erotica or the concept of sexual fantasy) and equally shocked by the idea of explicit clitoral stimulation (either female masturbation or oral sex – cunnilingus). So how is it that they reach orgasm by any means?
Of the women who responded to Shere Hite’s questionnaires, 82% said that they masturbated. But I have found very few women who masturbate. Most are shocked by even the suggestion that women are interested in activities as sexually explicit as clitoral stimulation or masturbation.
The fact is that Shere Hite was asking detailed questions about how women reach orgasm. Of course the women who responded to her surveys had often masturbated because it is only through female masturbation that a woman can be confident enough to answer detailed questions about orgasm.
One of the failings of surveys is that they ask general questions like: Do you masturbate? Any woman who has ever put her hands anywhere near her genitals can claim to have masturbated. In fact, masturbation is an adult activity that involves bringing a person’s state of psychological arousal to orgasm through genital stimulation. Many women do not understand this basic concept of sexuality.
Most women are unaware of the need for orgasm techniques
As a woman who has questioned a lack of female orgasm during sex, I am told that other women find orgasm easy. The trouble is that the facts stand against this claim since we know that the clitoral stimulation provided by vaginal intercourse is insufficient for a woman to reach orgasm.
Women whose sexual experiences are based purely on sex with a partner, often interpret their experiences in the light of emotional criteria. They are confused by other women’s questions about orgasm because they think it is easily achieved. They believe that all you have to do is to have loving feelings for your partner and then you reach orgasm the first time and every time from vaginal intercourse.
BUT we are mixing apples with pears here.
Women who do not appreciate eroticism, do not explore their sexual fantasies, do not masturbate and think that vaginal intercourse is the only acceptable sexual activity are unlikely to be able to advise women who, having explored their sexual arousal both alone and with a partner through a variety of activities, question a lack of orgasm during sex.
There is nothing wrong with a woman who interprets her sexual experiences in the light of emotional criteria but what happens when those initial feelings of passion and romance disappear? If men want sex for life then they need to identify a woman who has an appreciation of eroticism.
A woman, who can masturbate to orgasm, may advise other women to learn how to masturbate because masturbation is the starting point for understanding our own sexual arousal and how to achieve orgasm. Many of these women might hope that they will learn one day how to do the same with a partner but this is very different to saying that it is easy to achieve.

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